Reliable Partner guide
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about joining the service!

Fill out the proxy
- To join the Reliable Partner service, print out the PDF Power of Attorney, and fill out your company information.
- If your company has a registered company or branch in Finland, remember to also register this company in the Finnish Reliable Partner service by filling out a separate proxy. For more information, go to
- In section 4, fill out whether your company has posted workers to Finland. If you have posted workers, valid A1 documents for your workers should be handed directly to your contractor.
- If posted workers are unable to provide a valid A1 document from their home country, your company is obligated to get a Finnish pension insurance (TyEL) and a worker’s compensation insurance with a Finnish insurance company for them.
- In this case, please provide the name of the Finnish pension insurance company in section 6. Information about the worker’s compensation insurance should be filled in section 7. Remember to also send us a copy of the certificate of the worker’s compensation insurance together with the proxy. The certificate should not be older than 3 months.

- In section 5, please provide the collective agreement that you follow in Finland. Contact your contractor and ask for more information about this. It is mandatory to follow a collective bargain agreement when working in Finland.

- Fill out with whom you have arranged occupational health care services for your employees in section 8. Provide the name of the health care provider.
- Notice, that if you have workers, you are required to provide occupational health care for them in Finland.
- If you have a valid liability insurance, please fill out the information regarding this insurance in section 9.
Remember to provide a copy of the insurance certificate when sending in the proxy.
When sending the proxy to Vastuu Group, please provide the following documents and certificates as attachments:
- Certificate on worker’s compensation insurance, if workers cannot provide a valid A1 document.
- Certificate on liability insurance (voluntary)
Receiving your company’s Reliable Partner report
You will receive your first company report in approximately 2 weeks. After this your company’s Reliable Partner report is available online at You need to log into your company account and go to Company Search (Report) to fetch it. Please remember to change country to Lithuania before you search for the report by Lithuanian name or company registration number. The report is available to everybody that holds a company account with Vastuu Group.
At the moment, the Reliable Partner report is only available in Finnish.
Keeping your information up to date
To keep your report up to date, please send us a notification by e-mail when information needs changing in the report. You can e-mail
As stated in the terms and conditions of the Reliable Partner service, you must inform the customer service of Vastuu Group if your insurance company changes. If you change your worker’s compensation or liability insurance company, send us a certificate for the new insurance.
The Reliable Partner logo
The Reliable Partner logo may only be used by companies that have joined the Reliable Partner service. The logo can be added to all of your company’s marketing materials and uploaded to your website.
Here you'll find the logo and the terms and conditions for the use of the Reliable Partner logo.