Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions. Should you have additional questions, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Reliable Partner

What is the Reliable Partner service?

The Reliable Partner service compiles a report on statutory information, including statutory accident insurances, applicable collective agreements and information about whether tax and employment pension obligations are fulfilled. By joining the Reliable Partner service, the supplier permits for information on the fulfillment of these obligations to publicly be fetched for free from Vastuu Group's Reports service. In Finland the Contractor's Liability Act requires this information to be screened before signing any business deals.


What are the benefits of joining Reliable Partner service?

By joining the Reliable Partner service as a supplier, you no longer need to submit the certificates of your company stipulated in the Contractor's Obligations Act. All the information will be compiled in a company report so you can give the report straight to your contracting partner. 


How can I join?

You can join the Reliable Partner service by filling out a Power of Attorney with your company’s information and sending the signed proxy to This authorises us to fetch and publish your company’s information (trade register, registry information and tax, pension, accident insurance, applicable collective agreements and occupational healthcare) in the Reliable Partner report. You only need to fill out and submit the proxy once.


How much does the service cost?

The annual fee of the Reliable Partner Lithuania service is €200 + VAT. You will be invoiced from our daughter company in Lithuania called Scan-Baltic Certified Contractors. If your company has a branch or foreign organisation in Finland (y-tunnus), you will also need to join the Finnish Reliable Partner service, as both sides of your company information need to be screened to comply with the Act. The Reliable Partner Finland service costs €125 + VAT.


When will I receive the first invoice for Reliable Partner membership?

You will receive the first invoice at the end of the month that you became a member of the Reliable Partner service.


Where can I get the Reliable Partner logo?

The Reliable Partner logo may be used by all companies that have joined the Reliable Partner service.

Once you have joined, visit to start using the logo.

More information as well as the terms and conditions for the use of the logo:




What reports will my company get by joining the service?

Your company will have the report mandated by the Contractor’s Obligations Act, and it will be updated on a monthly basis, except for the trade register information, which will be updated every second month. The Reliable Partner report is available, free of charge, by logging into your company account at


How do I get the Reliable Partner report?

Please log into your company account at Go to Reports and choose country Lithuania before you search for the report by your Lithuanian company registration number or name. Please note that it cannot be found under your Finnish business ID.


How often is my Reliable Partner report updated?

Your report is updated once a month.

The extract from the Trade Register is updated every other month.


Why does the “Selvitettävää”, or “Clarification needed”, mean?

Clarification needed means that you need to check your tax payments or social fees payments as arrears have been reported. When you have contacted the right source and made payment agreements, please contact us so that we can make a new update of the data.


Can I have an advance notification about a report that is about to change to “Selvitettävää”, or “Clarification needed”, status?

We will always notify you about changes to report status by email. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to notify you about this in advance, because Vastuu Group Ltd is obligated to publish the information retrieved without delay.


What does the “OK” symbol mean?

The “OK” symbol means that your contractor’s obligations are met according to our information sources. The symbol is used when there are no items missing, to be noted or clarified in the company information.


What should I do if the “Huomioi”, or “Note”, symbol is on my company report?

The “Note” symbol is used when the client should take an exception into account for the supplier, such as exemption from VAT registration, for example. Your company, the supplier, should send the necessary proof of the exception to the client on their request. The symbol does not prevent the client from placing a job order.


What should I do if my company report includes the “Tietoja odotetaan”, or “Information pending”, symbol?

An “Information pending” symbol in the report means that some information is either missing or we are waiting for information from a source. Please contact us to make sure the report is up to date at all times.


What should I do if my company report includes the “Selvitä”, or “Clarify”, symbol?

Your company report may have the “Clarify” symbol for the following reasons:

•    Tax payment information needs to be clarified, and/or
•    Social fees information needs to be clarified.

Contact the customer service of the Tax Administration and/or your pension insurance company to find out the reason for the symbol and settle missed payments. Submit payment certificates to Vastuu Group to remove the symbol.

NOTE: “Clarify” symbol does not prevent cooperation between supplier and client if the neglected obligations are fulfilled.


Why does my report have a “SEIS”, or “STOP”, symbol?

A “STOP” sign appears on your company report if one of the following is visible on your company’s Trade Register Extract:

•    a person with a ban on business operations
•    the company has been liquidated according to the Finnish Business Information System
•    the company is bankrupt according to the Finnish Business Information System
•    the company is no longer operational according to the Finnish Business Information System or the VALSTYBĖS ĮMONĖ REGISTRŲ CENTRAS.




Can I print out the certificates from my report separately?

A specific portion of the report, such as accident insurance, cannot be printed out separately from the company report. However, a company report retrieved from the service replaces all certificates that otherwise should be submitted separately.


What address should I send certificates to?

You can send all certificates via email to (as PDF files) or by mail to:
Vastuu Group Ltd, Hevosenkenkä 3, 02600 ESPOO FINLAND


How old may certificates be?

Certificates are acceptable if they are no older than 3 months (accident and liability insurance). Occupational healthcare information should be updated every 6-8 weeks. We will remind all our customers to supply us with the relevant update/confirmation every 6-8 weeks until user interfaces to the occupational healthcare providers have been established.


Do you automatically update liability insurance information after I have submitted the first insurance certificate?

Liability insurance is voluntary information. Unfortunately, we cannot automatically update this information. Instead, you should submit updated liability insurance information once a year.


I have submitted a liability insurance certificate. Why can I no longer see it on my report?

If the validity period of the submitted certificate has expired, the insurance will no longer be visible on your report (for example, if the validity period on the certificate is January 1st to December 31st). In this case, contact your insurance company, request a new liability insurance certificate from them and send it to Vastuu Group Ltd by e-mail:


I have sent you certificates via email/mail. How soon will the information appear on my report?

All certificates sent to us are entered into our service within approximately one working day from receiving them.


My company is an employment agency. How do I submit information on the collective agreements we follow?

All employment agencies should submit information about all the collective agreements they follow for their agency-hired labour. The report lists all submitted collective agreements. The easiest way to send this information is by email to, listed in an Excel file, for example.




How do I update my company’s information?

Send us the information changed by e-mail together with necessary certificates (in PDF-format) to


What should I do if my insurance company changes?

You must inform us if your insurance company changes. We recommend informing us about these changes as early as possible to ensure that your company report remains up to date. Send a new insurance certificate in PDF format to

If you change your accident insurance company, send us a certificate for your new accident insurance to above address.

If you change your pension insurance company, the quickest way to update your company information is by sending us a certificate for your new pension insurance that is no older than 10 days. Otherwise the information will be updated automatically within 2 months depending on your pension insurance company.


What should I do if my company’s Business ID or name changes?

You must inform Vastuu Group of all changes to your company name, so we can update this information into the service. If the Business ID of your company is changed or terminated, you must inform us of this and, additionally, fill out and send a new proxy for your new Business ID. Please contact us via e-mail:




How can I terminate my Reliable Partner membership?

You can terminate your membership by sending an email to with “Termination” on the subject line. In the message field, please include your company name, Company registration number, reason for termination (company no longer operational, for example) and the signatory of the termination.

Ordering Valtti cards

When using our services, we recommend you to use Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari as your browser.


Login and registration

Sign in to the Ilmoita service by choosing the Ilmoita icon in the navigation menu or by choosing the “Login to company account” link.

If you are a new customer, you should start by registering your company account first. Notice that the phone number must be written in the international format.


User management

Notice that the first person to create an account is automatically granted “main user” permission in the service and can grant other users access to the services.

In the user management section, you can grant access to other users. The user management section is found at the bottom of the Company page. Your company’s first Veronumero user is able to directly log in with their username and password.

The main user grants user permissions to other users. The permissions are granted in the Company account or in the Ilmoita service “User permissions” section.

The basic user can use the Report service by default.

If your user name is linked to several company accounts, remember to select which company account you are editing from the dropdown list at the top bar to the right before granting new users permission to the services.

Type the email address of a new user into the Email field and click the Add user button. The added user has now been granted access to the Ilmoita service and can add new users.


Entering employee information

Entering information manually:

Select the Employee tab from the grey navigation bar and enter the employee information.

1. Select the New employee button

2. Enter the required information marked with an asterisk (*) (personal identity code in the form ddmmyy-123X)

3. Press Save. Notice that you can only upload a photo after the employee information has been saved.


All entered employee information are listed at the bottom of the page


Import excel file:


Address information must be filled out in the Posted employee section for employees who have a home country other than Finland. If an employee has an E101, E102 or A1 certificate, certificate information must be filled into the Posted employee certificates section. If the employee does not need a posted employee certificate, this section can be left blank. 


Importing information via Excel file:
  1. Check the appropriate format of the Excel file by opening Download example (.xlsx) at the bottom of the page.
  2. Create an Excel based on the example and click Import Excel.
  3. Select the file you have created from your computer by either double-clicking it or by clicking Open.

Notice: The service automatically checks that all individual Tax Numbers entered into the Ilmoita service are found in the public Tax Number register. The user must themself request the entry of individual Tax Numbers missing from the public Tax Number register directly from the Tax Administration. The result of the individual Tax Number checks is updated into the Ilmoita service within one working day.


Adding a photo

Open the saved information on an employee at the top of the page by clicking the name and information of an employee from the list. When the employee’s information appears at the top of the page, you can add a photo for the employee by clicking Upload photo.

You can also upload more than one photo via ZIP file by clicking Import Zip at the bottom of the page. Name the employees’ photos with their given Tax Numbers, for example 100012341234.jpg, and pack the photos into a ZIP file. The size of the file must be 50MT or under. Adding photos using the Import Zip button requires that they are in packed ZIP files.


Editing employee information

Edit employee data

1. Select Employee from the top navigation bar. Choose an employee from the list.

2. The selected information is displayed at the top of the page.

3. Edit the information and save by clicking Save.

4. Add or change a photo by clicking Add photo.

5. Delete an employee from the list by selecing Delete employee. Add a new employee by selecting Add employee.


Ordering Valtti cards without Finnish Bank ID

You need to complete the above steps and then contact our customer service in Tallinn, Estonia to finalize the order.

Valtti cards can be ordered in our self-service web shop by persons who have acquired Finnish personal online banking credentials. When using the webshop the delivery- and invoicing address are required to be in Finland. Baltic companies who do not have a Finnish address and Finnish personal online banking credentials can place Valtti card orders by using our service points located in Tallinn, Estonia. Card orders placed through the ordering service must be picked-up personally from the service point.

For more information, contact our customer service in Estonia.


Deactivating Valtti cards

You can deactivate a Valtti card by choosing a specific card from the Active cards page and clicking Close.

Please note that once a card has been deactivated, it can no longer be reopened or reactivated. The deactivated card can no longer be used.If an employee has lost or misplaced the Valtti card, the card should be deactivated for security reasons. A new card can then be ordered in the Valtti card's tab. We will charge you for the new order according to our price list.


Building site registration

You can register your company to a building site on the Site registration tab found in the grey navigation bar.

Before you begin the site registration, you need the following information:

  • The Site Key
  • The client’s name and business ID
  • The start and end date of the project


Registering a company to a site:

Click Sign up for a building site

After the view has opened, type the client’s Site Key into the empty text field and click Search.
Enter the client’s information and the duration of the project, and click Confirm.
When the registration has been successfully completed you will receive a notification.

The notification “Site registration has been unsuccessful. Check the information from the first tab of the Ilmoita service” means that all the mandatory information of the company has not been supplied. Check the information from the first tab of the Ilmoita service.

The employer registers to a building site with the Site Key. Individual employee information, however, is not separately registered to a building site at this point. The employee information must be entered on the Employees tab, so that it can be used by the main contractor when reporting employee information through the Building Site Register.



The construction sector has jointly developed a new method for occupational safety related general briefing – named ePerehdytys.

Start using the ePerehdytys service as follows:
  1. Order the ePerehdytys service at the front page of the Ilmoita service. You’ll find it at the bottom of the page.
  2. Add user permissions to the ePerehdytys service to your employees. You can either add permissions to all of your employees at once, on the front page of Ilmoita service or you can add permissions separately, to one employee at a time, at the “Employees” tab in the Ilmoita service.

The employee may conduct the ePerehdytys at The employee authenticates him-/herself when signing in, either by using the bar code on the Valtti card or by using the tax number and the business ID. The login is confirmed by a text message.

An accomplished ePerehdytys competence is visible in the Taito Competence Register and in systems that use information from the Taito Competence Register.

You’ll find more information about the ePerehdytys service in the “What is it?” -article written by Rakennusteollisuus.


Should you have any questions, please contact our Customer service: