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Web addresses of Employee Management and Card Service have changed

May 26, 2023 4:02:29 PM

The web addresses of Employee Management and Card Service have been moved to the vastuugroup.fi domain during the service break last weekend (26th to 28th of May). The new web addresses are tyontekijahallinta.vastuugroup.fi and korttipalvelu.vastuugroup.fi.

If you have saved the previous web addresses in the bookmark section of your browser, remember to update the bookmarks. The previous addresses are no more in use and therefore the links in previous messages sent from our services are no longer functioning.

Valtti Card order confirmation and Notification to confirm employments

You can navigate to the services by first signing into your company account.

Valtti Card verification identification

If you have earlier sent a Valtti Card activation link to an employee and the card has not yet been activated, you should send a new activation link from the Card Service. Here you can find the instructions for sending a new link.

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